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Say hello to 2.0

Ticket Division just released the 2.0 version of its web platform and it comes with a long list of new features and improvements: partial refunds, activity log, single account for buyers and organizers, major performance improvements, Analytics® auto-load and refresh, redesigned paper tickets and more....

Partial refunds

Ticket Division now allows you to issue partial refunds for orders placed online. You can also cancel the tickets of your choice instead of canceling and refunding entire orders. This feature gives you the option to accomodate ticket buyers who request a refund for part of their orders, should you decide to offer a refund policy to your customers.

Refund policy

You can now set your own refund policy to inform your customer before they make a purchase. Although the default policy is "sales are fnal", you may opt for a different option. Your policy is now indicated in your event details.

You may also allow Ticket Division Customer Service to issue refund and cancel orders when they are met, should your customers contact us first. If your conditions are not met or if you do not authorize Ticket Division Customer Service, we will instruct ticket buyers to contact you directly for cancellations and refunds.

Activity log

An activity log is now available to help you keep track of major actions taken by you and other users authorized to manage your events. You are now getting notified when your refund policy has been updated, when an order has been disputed or reinstated, when an order is placed or when tickets are added to your account, when tickets sell out, etc...

Buyer and organizer accounts merged

Your buyer and organizer accounts have been merged into one single account to avoid multiple logins for users who manage events and purchase tickets at the same time. Users who are authorized to manage your events do not have access to the tickets you purchase as an event goer.

Analytics® auto-load and refresh

You are no longer required to request information from Google Analytics®. When you open your event dashboard, Ticket Division automatically fetches Analytics data for you and refreshes it every hour. In addition, we now offer information about the location of your ticket buyers, per city and state.

Performance improvements

Ticket Division developped its own chart and graph library to decrease loading and redering time. By doing so, we are now able to provide a longer range of data. In addition, load on users' computer or mobile device is drastically reduced and allow better performance on low-end devices and slow-connection environment.

Design and UX improvements

Design modifications have been made throughout the entire website to offer an improved user experience and quicker actions when needed. Among other features, the following have been added:

- Contact form to communicate with event organizers is pre-filled with your name and email address
- Paper tickets have been redesigned to allow several tickets to be printed on the same page
- The email address associated with an order is now indicated in your order details from your event dashboard