How to check people in with TD Scanner
Your event is coming soon, your attendees are excited, and everyone is talking about it on social media. Here is what you need to do to flawlessly and quickly check people in using Ticket Division Scanner.
Download TD Scanner from the App Store or Google Play
To all its event organizers, Ticket Division offers TD Scanner, a free mobile scanner apps for iPhones and Android phones. Because we know that your door staff should not have access to your account and the sensitive information it contains, our scanners are access-restricted: they only check people in and give you data and statistics about your attendance. So don't worry about permissions, simply download the app, log in, select the event from your app's event list, and confidently hand the devices over to your door people.
TD Scanner is designed to be used at several points of entry. All devices stay connected and sync'd at all times. This feature prevents fraud when attendees can check in from different entry points as guests can no longer present the same ticket at different doors. It also allows the apps to gather and dispatch all attendance-related information in real-time to other devices and your Ticket Division account.
Click the icon of your choice below to download your app for iPhone or Android.

No device? No problem
If you do not have a device for your door staff, you can always print your list of attendees. Go to your event dashboard and click the Export All button located in the Orders panel. This will download a CSV file with all of your guests and tickets purchased. Print it to quickly check people in with their name and identification at the door.
Remember that TD Scanner allows you to stay up-to-date with last second ticket sales as the app always syncs with ticket sales, whether they take place online, using the mobile point of sales or Ticket Division Box Office. So we recommend to always you use TD Scanner when you can.
Keep selling until the event ends
By default, online ticket sales run until the event ends. The Point of Sale is set to allow editors and administrators of the organization to sell until the end of the event, and authorized external accounts to sell until the event starts so that only the organization's users can collect payments once the doors are open. The Point of Sale allows you to keep selling at the door as attendees walk through the door.